Thursday, March 12, 2015

DWTS is Re-instituting “Result Night” for Season 20??

DWTS is Re-instituting “Results Show” for Season 20??

Alright!  Here is another exciting DWTS rumor making its cyber rounds!!

Dancing With The Stars may be re-instituting their result nights for the show’s 10th anniversary season!

I reeaaally hope this rumor turns out to be true…I loved result nights and I was always very sorry when DWTS decided to quit having them regularly, following their 16th not cool!

I mean, think about it, the result night had always naturally provided way more time for the previous night of competition so that the program didn’t have to be quite so rushed…it even made time for ALL the judges to render an opinion…none of this skipping nonsense we have to go through nowadays!

Also, with result nights, there were a lot more Troupe-and-Pro-only dances…extremely fun to watch and a good chance, I always thought, for the Pros to sort of cut loose – “kick up their heels”, if you will! – and just enjoy themselves!

 Plus, DWTS would always invite some kind of special guest singer and/or dancers!

And, what is perhaps the biggest reason why the result nights were so good for the show is that the competitors themselves - for an entire evening and most of the next day - were given the chance to feel good about their performance for which they had worked so very hard …before being told they were receiving that dreaded, proverbial “Boot” from off the show!

But, regardless of this particular rumor’s outcome, DWTS has confirmed (via that they will be hosting another Disney night (thank you, DWTS!!) and another Latin night!

The show is also planning some new themes in honor of their 10th anniversary season including, a Spring Break night!

Well, I don’t know about y’all, but, I am completely thrilled  about this upcoming season…it sounds like an absolute blast already!!

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